

yinyang provides the following options. Please consult typefuzz --help for a full list.

  • -i --iterations ITERATIONS the number of iterations on each seed. (default: 300)

  • -m --modulo MODULO specifies how often the mutants will be forwarded to the SMT solvers. For example, with 300 iterations and 2 as a modulo, 150 mutants per seed file will be passed to the SMT solvers. High modulo and iteration counts prioritize deeper mutations. (default: 2)

  • -t --timeout TIMEOUT imposes a timeout limit (in seconds) on each SMT solver for solving mutant formula. (default: 8)

  • -d, --diagnose forwards solver outputs to stdout e.g. for solver command line diagnosis.

  • -bugs BUGSFOLDER (default: ./bugs)

  • -scratch SCRATCHFOLDER specifies where the mutant formulas are temporarily stored. Note, if you run yinyang with several processes in parallel, each instance should have its own scratch folder. (default: ./scratch)

  • -km --keep-mutants do not delete the mutants from the scratch folder. Warning: beware that this can quickly exhaust your entire disk space.

  • -g, --generate-functions dimension of the fusion functions to generate, if greater than 0 do not take into account –config option. (default: 0)

  • -m, --multiple-variables try to fuse at least vars variables, if possible, distributing the variables evenly as possible between the seeds (default: 2)

  • -q --quiet do not output statistics and other output.

  • -fl, --file-size-limit file size limit on seed formula in bytes. (default: 20000)

Customize solvers configurations

If you want to test several SMT solver configurations at once the putting them as a commandline argument like typefuzz "<solver_clis>" <seed_path> may be inconvenient to you. Instead, you can modify the solver list in .yinyang/ The directory file need to be created by the user.

As an example consider:

solvers = [
    "z3 model_validate=true",
    "z3 model_validate=true smt.arith.solver=2",
    "z3 model_validate=true smt.arith.solver=3",
    "z3 model_validate=true smt.arith.solver=6",
    "cvc4 --check-models --produce-models --incremental --strings-exp -q",

You can then use typefuzz "" <seed_path> to run the above five solver configurations.

Customize bug detection

yinyang’s bug detection logic is based on three lists: crash_list, duplicate_list, ignore_list of .yinyang/ which you can customize. yinyang detects crash bugs by matching the stdout and stderr of the solvers in with the strings in the list``crash_list``. If yinyang detects a bug this way, it subsequently matches the crash message against all strings in duplicate_list. The duplicate_list is useful to filter out repeatedly occurring bugs from getting copied to ./bugs. The ignore_list can be used to filter out errors occurring in a solver call. By default yinyang detects mutants returning non-zero exit codes as crashes except those that match with the ignore_list.

The below setup shows the three lists in .yinyang/ that worked well in practice with Z3 and CVC4.

crash_list = [
    "runtime error",
    "Segmentation fault",
    "segmentation fault",
    "Fatal failure",
    "Internal error detected",
    "an invalid model was generated",
    "Failed to verify",
    "failed to verify",
    "ERROR: AddressSanitizer:",
    "invalid expression",

duplicate_list = [


ignore_list = [
   "(error ",
    "unexpected char",
    "failed to open file",
    "Expected result sat but got unsat",
    "Expected result unsat but got sat",
    "Parse Error",
    "Cannot get model",
    "Symbol '' not declared as a variable",
    "Symbol '' not declared as a variable",
    "Unimplemented code encountered",